Erayada iyo Laxanka Mustafa Kiiko, Music by Bashiir Hanuuniye, Camera Maxamed Shariif, Editor and produced by Abuukar Mahdi Heestii Ax ee Nimo Dareen. Iyo Mid Jamaican ah oo Ka Dhex Qaylinaya Heesta Haleynaya - Maxuu ka dhex sameynaa heesta codkeeda ayaa maqal macaan leh.
in reference to: Somali Chat and Blog (view on Google Sidewiki)Real life experience

Customers talk about it. I will be posting reviews from real customers soon
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Barack Obama's Twitter Account Hacked! FBI Arrest 25 Year French Hacker
French police have arrested a hacker who sabotaged the account of US President Barack Obama in one of his attacks on the Twitter online social network, a police source said Wednesday. The unemployed 25-year-old, who used the pseudonym "Hacker Croll", was arrested in the Puy-de-Dome region of central France after an operation conducted jointly with US agents from the FBI that lasted several months.
in reference to: Twitter hacker arrested after French-US operation: police (view on Google Sidewiki)Watch George Bush Wipe His Hands on Bill Clinton's Shirt after Shaking Hands with Haitian Refugees
During their first joint visit to Haiti this week, George W. Bush appears to have wiped his hand on Bill Clinton's shirt after shaking hands with a crowd of Haitians.
If that is what happened -- Breitbart.TV first raised the question after seeing the video below -- it builds on Barack Obama's story of Bush's compulsive need for hand sanitizer. But whatever Bush's reason, it looks pretty bad. Click on the link below
Watch George Bush Wipe His Hands on Bill Clinton's Shirt after Shaking Hands with Haitian Refugees
During their first joint visit to Haiti this week, George W. Bush appears to have wiped his hand on Bill Clinton's shirt after shaking hands with a crowd of Haitians.
If that is what happened -- Breitbart.TV first raised the question after seeing the video below -- it builds on Barack Obama's story of Bush's compulsive need for hand sanitizer. But whatever Bush's reason, it looks pretty bad. Click on the link below
"During their first joint visit to Haiti this week, George W. Bush appears to have wiped his hand on Bill Clinton's shirt after shaking hands with a crowd of Haitians. If that is what happened -- Breitbart.TV first raised the question after seeing the video below -- it builds on Barack Obama's story of Bush's compulsive need for hand sanitizer. But whatever Bush's reason, it looks pretty bad."
- George W. Bush Wipes Hand On Bill Clinton's Shirt After Shaking Hands With Haitians (VIDEO) (view on Google Sidewiki)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Faroole oo Inkiray in dowladda Puntland ay lug ku leedahay Burcadbadeedka
Faroole oo gaaray boosaase ee gobolka bari ayaa shir jaraa'id ku sheegay in U.N to been ka sheegtay dowladiisa markay report cusub ku sheegtay in isaga iyo xubno ka tirsan dowladiisa ay shirko la yihiin burcad badeedda. Daawo video universal tv
in reference to: Video: somali - WaaTV - Search New Videos (view on Google Sidewiki)Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Website-yada <a href=""></a>, <a href=""></a> and <a href=""></a> and <a href=""></a> oo La Sheegay inay Xiriir La Leeyihiin Xisbul Islaam
Report Internetka lala meermeerayo oo la sheegay in ururada mucaaradka isticmaalaan Internetka si ay u maal geliyaan dagaalada ay ka wadaan Soomaaliya ayaa shabakadda wararka ee Somalimirror la sheegay inay ka mid tahay kuwa xiriir qarsoodi ah la leedahay ururka Xisbul Islaam. Ka aqriso linkiga hoose reportigaas.
in reference to:", and and"
- Somali rebels join forces in cyberspace: U.N. report | CY.TALK News Blog (view on Google Sidewiki)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Warbixin dheer oo Ku Saabsan Ardaydeedana wax ka barata Jaamacadaha dalka India.
Barnaamij uu soo diyaariyay Axmed Cabdiwali oo jooga dalka India ayaan halkaan idinkaga soo gudbineynaa. Fadlan hoos ka daawo bogga oo ay wargelintaan dheer ka dhegan tahay.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)250 Thousand Somalis live in Britian? And Most of them want Paul and Rachel Chandler Released!
Somali TV presenter tells BBC about his phone-in for Chandlers. The Somali community in England want the captives released immediately and This interview makes clear their intension. Here is the Interview with TV presenter.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Somalida London oo Laga horkeenay Poolis Soomaali u dhalatay
Waxaa beryahan ku soo biiray jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee reer London, U.K waxyaalo horey loo arag oo ah in dad iyaga u dhashay ay noqdeen pooliiska magaaladaas. Aqriso warkaan Riix hoos.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)Yaabka Alshabaab. Waayaha Cusub. Hees ay u qaadayaan Alshabaab
Heestan cusub oo dhowaan Waayaha Cusub soo saareen ayaa ah mid ay ku dhaleeceynayaan ururka Alshabaab oo ka dagaalama dalka. Heestan waxaad ka daawan kartaa bogga hoos ku xusan.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)Kooxda Waayaha Cusub oo Hees Cusub u Qaaday Alshabaab
Kooxda heesa ee Waayaha Cusub ayaa dhowaan soo saaray video heeso cusub oo ay u qaadayaan ururka Alshabaab ee ka dagaalama dalka Soomaaliya. Heestan la magac baxday No To Alshabaab ayaa ah mid ay ku dhaleeceenayaan Alshabaab iyagoo aan waxna u reeban. Halkaan ka daawo heesta. Riix hoos Ref: linkiga oo daawo video-gan cusub
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)Monday, March 15, 2010
Warbixin Ku Saabsan Miisaaniyadda Puntland Somalia ee 2010
Miisaniyadda uu Madaxweyne faroole iyo Wasiirkiisa Maaliyadu u gudbiyeey in lagu dhaqmo halka sanno ee 2010, waxa ka muuqatay sidaan horey usoo bayaaminayba inaan la isku hawlin oo saacadda u dambeysa inta tii hore la soo qaato lambarada uun la kala beddelay iyada oo aan cidna la gala tashan khaasatan wasaaradaha iyo golayaasha ay khuseeyso. Ka Aqriso Warbixintan Riix Ref: Linkiga hoose
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)Jaalida Soomaaliyeed ee Reer London oo Madaxweyne Shariif Ka Qaylisiiyay - Suaalo Badan Weydiiyay
Wareysi ay reer U.K London ku heleen Shariifka ayaa waxa ay weydiiyeen su'aalo aad loogu baahnaa kuwaasoo madaxweynuhu jawaabo ka tufay. Daawo video laga soo duubay kulankaas taariikhiga ah. Ref linkiga riix hoos ku yaala.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)Friday, March 12, 2010
Urur Diimeedka Alshabaab oo Dib Ula Wareegay Hotelka Global ee Magaalada Muqdisho March 2010
Hoos waxaad ka daawataa afhayenka Alshabaab Dheere oo ka qudbeynaya Hotelka Global kadib mar ay ka qulquleen ciidamada Dowladda ayna kusoo wareegeen Alshabaab
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Somali Music, Mogadishu 1990 Dur Dur Band song by Abdi Nasir " Ladaneey"
Waa video Heestii macaaneed ee Ladaneey iyo fanaankii codkiisa macaanaa ee Abdi Naasir, Kooxdii sagaashameeyadii ku leheed fanka ee Dur Dur. Daawo riix Hoos.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)Amiirka Dalka oo Laga Wareystay Paul and Rachel Chandler Xaaladooda Halka Ay Ku Suguntahay
Shiikha oo u waramaya is gaarsiinta caalamka ayaa sheegay in dhaq dhaqaaq suuban ku socdo soo deynta lamaanayaasha Paul and Rachel Chandler. Daawo vidyo ah halkii wareysugu ka dhacayay.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Sawirrada Booqashada Amiirka dalka Ka Daawo halkaan
Booqashada uu ku gaaray dalka Ingiriiska Amiirka dalka, ayaa ah mid aad usugu dhacaysa oo heer sare ah. ChatHam House ayuu qudbo dheer ka jeediyay. Sawirro laga soo qaaday booqashada Amiirka ka daawo linkiga hoose.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)Monday, March 8, 2010
Young somali mc, rapper , "sketch" puts out 'The Take Over - SIngle
This is as hot as it gets ladies and gentlemen, this guy Sketch is real and should be watched carefully! - Check out the new single out of his mix tape The Take Over now titled the same! Watch the Take Over here -
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)Sunday, March 7, 2010
Saado Ccali Warsame - Hees - aan Kuu Taliyo aan Wada Tashano aan isku Tashano -
Waxaan Rabay inaan tan gardaadiyo - fadlan daawo heestan hadii aadan weli fiirsan. Waa hees aad u qosol badan. Balse is weydiin waxaa mudan maxay kala jeedaa erayada ay ku hadleyso Saado? Ma wadaninimo mise qabyaaliistenimo? Ma buunbuunin dhibaatada haysata koonfurta dalka? Mise ceebeeyn qabiilka Hawiye oo waxna qabsan karin hadii wax kastaa faraha loo geliyo? Adigu ka hadal markaad heesta aragto - riix linkiga hoose
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)Saturday, March 6, 2010
HOT EVENT IN LONDON - Brunel Somali Assosiation Event - By Himilo Media
Brunel Somali Assosiation Event - By Himilo Media . Brunel Somali Students assosiation organised event on 04.March.2010 to bring together number of students from different universities around London. The event covered many aspect of Somali related issues a well as bringing the positive image of somali community. See the Video of the event highlights.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)Dur Dur - Heesta Afrikaay Madoow - 1990 - Bandhig Faneed iyo Hees aan Caadi Aheyn
Waxay ahayd dhowr sano ka hor qaxii looga kala cararay caasimadda kadib markii jaale Siyaad lagula hertamay, goortii Dur Dur ay u shidneed. Nasiib daro kooxdaan oo xamar ukala xirneed ayaa bugtii ku dhacday, sidaa darteedna jiq ku noqotay talo. Balse intii ay iyagu tumayeen muusiga dhigayeenna bandhig faneedyada lala dhacsanaa wagaas, ayay ahayd xilli qofkastaa oo xiisaaya fanka uu la dhacsanaa sida quman ee Dur Dur iyo Iftin u tartamayeen. Waa tanaa hees 1990, waa wax yar ka hor qixii, la qaaday iyadoo ka mid aheyd heesaha Dur Dur waagaa qaadi jirtay. Hoos ka gal heestan.
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Dhulgariir ka Dhacay Dalka Chile oo Qasaaro Xoog Leh Keenay
Ka daawo video-gan sawirrada dhibaatada heysata dalka Chile kadib markii dhulgariir 8.8 rs oo ka dhacay dalkaas dhamaadkii bishii feebaraayo. Hoos ka daawo video-ga ku tusaya qasaarooyinka farabadan ee dalkaas ku yimid
in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)