These are hot pictures of K'naan and Drake being interviewed by eTalk Daily show. New Pics of K'naan and Drake celebrating their success at 2010 Junos this year!
in reference to: Photos: Drake & K’Naan on eTalk Daily | | Drake's Official Fansite (view on Google Sidewiki)Real life experience

Customers talk about it. I will be posting reviews from real customers soon
Monday, April 19, 2010
Masawirro - K'naan iyo Saaxiibkii Fanaan kale - Drake oo la hadlaya eTalk Daily
Sawaridan ka fiirso linkiga hoose. Waa fanaanka caanka ah oo wareysi siiyay eTalk Daily kadib markii uu ku guuleysay Juno Artist of the Year 2010.
in reference to: Photos: Drake & K’Naan on eTalk Daily | | Drake's Official Fansite (view on Google Sidewiki)K'naan Winner of Artist of the Year 2010 Juno The Most Known Somali artist
The young talented Rapper/poet is getting noticed by the Canadian Music industry. K'naan won two out of three nominations as he collected the Junos for Artist of the Year 2010 and the Songwriter of the Year 2010. Amazing how things turn for the best when they do. His 'Waving Flag' song is the offical Anthem for the FIFA World Cup 2010. There are several versions of Waving flag and many international artists are singing the song which is now known around the world as an inspirational song.
in reference to: Somali Chat and Blog: K'naan Wins Juno's Artist of The Year, Songwriter of the Year (view on Google Sidewiki)Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Live Score - I wish you can see scores from games that did not happen yet
check out my predictions of the World cup at - For now - Here is my wish for 2010 and for the next ten years. I wish livescore had a prediction section where they correctly predict the score of the games in the future! Like we could know who won the 2010 FIFA world cup! -- oh yeah, guys -
in reference to: - Soccer Live Scores (view on Google Sidewiki)Monday, April 12, 2010
K'naan in love with a Black European girl? - NEWS about K'naan -
Knaan, the Somali born Canadian rapper is in a love scandal after a video surfaced on Youtube showing the Somali superstar flirting with an unknown female who sounds to be speaking a European language. K'naan was apparently saying good bye to the young female when this video was shot! Here is the video clip - Watch Cornelia's Love with K'naan below
in reference to: Somali Chat and Blog (view on Google Sidewiki)K'Naan and Cornelia's love Story - Is K'naan Dating a Black European girl?
Knaan, the Somali born Canadian rapper is in a love scandal after a video surfaced on Youtube showing the Somali superstar flirting with an unknown female who sounds to be speaking a European language. K'naan was apparently saying good bye to the young female when this video was shot! Here is the video clip - Watch Cornelia's Love with K'naan below
in reference to:"K'Naan and Cornelia's love story"
- Gmail (view on Google Sidewiki)
Wargelin Show - Daawo dhamaan Video-yada cusub ee Wargelin Show - On
Wargelin Show - waa barnaamij wiikly ah oo kasoo baxa Internetka kaasoo afsoomaali ku soo baxa ahna mid lagu soo bandhigo dhacdooyinkii todobaadkii la soo dhaafay kuwii ugu xiisaha badnaa. Barnaamijkan waa mid aad u dheer oo ku maaweeliya aad ka heleyso waxyaabaha dhalinyarta soo diyaarisa ay ka hadlaan. Riix linkigan oo daawo dhamaan video-yada wargelin oo isku soo aruurisay.
in reference to: Video: Wargelin - WaaTV - Search New Videos (view on Google Sidewiki)Saturday, April 10, 2010
K'naan & Keane - Stop For a Minute - Video - New Song by Keane - K'naan
Watch the hot new track video by a collaboration of K'naan and Keane called Stop for a Minute on This video is taking off in the U.K - Play Stop for a Minute Video
in reference to:"W"
- Somali Chat and Blog: K'NAAN & KEANE - STOP FOR A MINUTE - HOT NEW TRACK - SEE VIDEO - (view on Google Sidewiki)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Mataano - Gabdho Soomaali ah oo Luxaya Fashionka aduunka.
Ma taqaan Mataano? Labo gabdhood oo ka yimid dalkeena ayaa cabsi geliyay suuqleyda ka shaqeysato soo saaridda dharka dumarka. Maxaa keenay? Aqriso maqaalkan ku saabsan Mataano Fashion - Ayaan and Idyl Mohallim - Inside Africa coverge - CNN! Caadi maahan gabdhuhu. Ka sii aqriso linkiga hoose
in reference to: Somali Chat and Blog: Mataano [ma-taa-no]: Twins - Fashion - Ayaan and Idyl Mohallim Gabdhaheena Horseeda! (view on Google Sidewiki)Saturday, April 3, 2010
Farxiyo Kabayare - Heestii Ha Iloobin - Dhageyso - Daawo - Download -
Waa linkiga Heesta Video-ga Gabadhan Af-Somali-ga Ku heeseysa ee Loo yaqaan Farxiyo Kabayare.
in reference to: Somali Chat and Blog: Farxiyo Kabayare, Hees Cod macaan, Ha iloobin! Daawo oo DHageyso (view on Google Sidewiki)