Waa Video ay dhalinyar Alshabaab ah ka soo duubeen Shiikh oday indhoole ah ay qabteen oo ay ku eedeynayaan inuu Soomaali ah Axmadiya u yahay Shiikha ugu weyn iyagoo weydiyay su'aalo aad cajiib u ah oo lagu handadayo. Shiikhan oo cabsi weyn heyso hadana si raganimo ah ugu jawaabaya daawo riix linkiga ref: hoose.
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somali/frPbTNJi_lI.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Real life experience

Customers talk about it. I will be posting reviews from real customers soon
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Geesguud.com oo aan Si Gaar Ah u Eegay iyo Ka Warbixinteeda
Webka Geesguud.com waa mid dhowr bilood (SInce October of 2009) ka hor soo baxday hase yeeshee beryahan dambe soo caan baxeysa. Waxaan rabaa inaan il gaara ku fiirsho oo kasoo warbixiyo sababaha keenay inay si xowli ah ku soo caan baxdo beryahaan dambana noqoto mid dad farabadan ay wararka, music-ga iyo waxyaabo kale si toos ah ugu tagaan. Hadase, bal ila fiiri webka riix linkiga hoose.
in reference to: http://geesguud.com/gs/ (view on Google Sidewiki)Thursday, February 25, 2010
Cabdisalaan Ciyaaryahan Ka Dheela EPL oo Liverpool La Dheelay
Ciyaaryahanka soo ifbaxaya ee ciyaara Kubadda Cagta kaaso ka ciyaara liiga aduunka ugu caansan ee la yiraah English Premier Leauge lagana daawado aduunka dacalihiisa oo dhan ayaa dhowaan u soo saftay kooxda 4-raad kaga jirta EPLka ee Manchester City. Waxa Man City ay la dheelayeen Liverpool oo iyadana ah kooxda ku heysata booska 4-aad, ciyaartaasna waxa ay xiiso u leheed dadkeena maadaama la soo safay wiilkan u dhashay dalkeena ee loo yaqaano Abdisalam Abdulkadir Ibrahim "Adai" - Maqaal dheer oo ay ka qortay web site ka calanka.com waa kanaa ee hoos ka aqriso.
in reference to: http://www.calanka.com/warka/articleSPORT30.htm (view on Google Sidewiki)Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Amanda Lindhout Appears again!
The Canadian Journalist, who was kidnapped in Somalia, and recently released, now talks to Somalis in Calgary! Watch the video.
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somali/ipX34n9rBHo.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Ugaaska beesha Ciise oo Barxad Banaan loogu Duub saaray
Beesha Ciise oo ah Soomaali degta Jabuuti ayaa mar dhow dooratay Ugaas. Daawo fidiyoowgan ku tusaya doorashada ugaasyada Soomaaliyeed
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somali/w3Bds3bTM_o.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Exclusive New Interview with the Pirates Holding the British Couple Paul and Rachel Released Feb 24, 2010
This Audio tape is new but is in native language and is being translated right now. Here is the audio tape, listen to the Interview with the pirate leader
in reference to: http://videos.dalkanews.com/content/view/477/37/ (view on Google Sidewiki)Gedow Cali - The Leader of The Somali pirates Holding Paul and Rachel Chandler Interviewed on Telephone on 25 Feb, 2010
New Interview on Auido Feb 24, 2010 of the Somali Pirate Leader Gedow Ali holding the British captives released. Here is the audio tape.
in reference to: http://videos.dalkanews.com/content/view/477/37/ (view on Google Sidewiki)Geedi Cali Waa Ninka U Taliya burcad Badeedka heysta Paul iyo Rachel Chandler
Wareysi lala Yeeshay Burcadka xooga ku heysta Paul iyo Rachel Chandler ayaa lasoo geliyay webka. Wareysigan ayaa ah mid khadka Taleefoonka ah kaasoo Gadoone Cali uu u jawaabayo wariya ah mid madax banaan oo ku nool dalka Ingiriiska - Wareysigan ayaa ah mid soo baxay 24 Feebaraayo ee 2010. Hoos riix oo ka dhageyso wareysigan
in reference to: http://videos.dalkanews.com/content/view/477/37/ (view on Google Sidewiki)Monday, February 22, 2010
Nafteydu Naf bay Rabtaa - Farxiyo Fiska
Muusiko Macaan iyo Cod ka sii Macaan, fanaanad soo shaac baxeysa. Dhageyso - Waatv.com - Linkiga hoose riix
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/fiska/VaVuoqcSvPA.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Dadku Waa Isbadalaaye Bal Saado Caliyeey Hees
Kadib tobaneeyo sano, Fanaanada Caanka ah Saado Cali ayaa ah mid codkeedii weli heysata hase yeeshee cayilkii ku siyaaday. Daawo iyada iyo Xasan Aadan Samatar
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/Qumane/uvnKk4nvEpA.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Wabari stars (hibo,saado,qamar &faynuus)
Waa Jabuuti mana garanayo goorta showgaan la dhigay laakiin waa mid aad kuu cajiibinaya fanaanta caanka ah oo wada da' yar. Wabari stars (hibo,saado,qamar &faynuus) Daawo hada - hoos ka gal
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/Qumane/uvnKk4nvEpA.html (view on Google Sidewiki)K'naan ft. David Bisbal - Waving Flag [Official Video]
Every time I watch this video (or the other remixes of this video) tears come to my eyes! K'naan representing our people at the FIFA World Cup Celebrations - Waving Flag is being played around the world, and now other International Artists are singing it! Watch this video on WaaTV.com - it is yet another remix (new Video) really emotional! oooh woo ooh woooo and every body will be singing it...and we all be singing it!! Link is below
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somali%20rap/d9HeJkmyFPQ.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Xoolaheena: Waligaa Ma Aragtay Nirgo?
Hadaad tahay ama ka farcantay dad xoolo dhaqato ah, waad aragtay Nirig waana taqaan waxay yihiin. Hase yeeshee hadii aadan waligaa reer miyi aheyn xoolana arag, fiirso geela Soomaaliya adigoo arkaya nirgaha ku dhaqan waqooyiga Soomaaliya
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somali/sT9TQ7JFlhI.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Vidiyoow laga duubay Mudaaharaad Ka Dhacay Muqdisho 1978 dii
Daawo mudaaharaad ay isugu soo baxeen dad farabadan oo xiligii 1978 dii ka dhacay Muqdisho kana qudbeeyay Siyad Bare kaasoo looga soo horjeeday Itoobiya. Waa fidyow aragti mudan - Hoos Ka Daawo shabakadda WaaTV.com
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somali/G7fUMrkZ9a4.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Hees Cusub, Kaltuum, Jamaal Cali Xuseen 2010
Heestan Waxa Ereyadeeda curiyey, Abwaanka Da'da yar : Jamaal Cali Xuseen.. waxay soo baxday 20. Feb. 2010. daawasho iyo dhagaysi macaan. Ka daawo shabakadda WaaTV.com
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somali/tDbngKcC0CY.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Saturday, February 20, 2010
Audio: Wareysi uu bixiyay Saalax Badbaado oo Ka Cararay dowladda
Dhageyso Wareysi uu Saalax Badbaado uu ku eedeynayo Dowladda.
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somalia/BvFy1XUP6UY.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Hogaamiso Danish ah oo Ka badbaaday Dil ay Qorsheeyeen Argagixiso dadkeena sheegta
Booliska Magaalada Caasimada u ah Denmark Ee Copenhagen ayaa Shalay Xabsiga dhigay Lix Somali Ah Kuwas oo la sheegay inay u Hanjabeen Haweeneyda Madaxda u ah Xisbiga Shacbiga Ee Danish People’s Party, Haweeneyda ayaa lagu magacaaba Pia Merete Kjærsgaard. Warkaas oo Dhan ka aqriso linkigan
in reference to: http://somalifans.net/2010/02/19/wararka-2000/ (view on Google Sidewiki)African immigrants go Ice Skating for the First Time!
Here is a video of African youth learning to skate for the first time! Brings the real meaning to having fun!
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somali/boxiMhRFDnU.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Somali Youth Winter Soccer Tournament 2010
This tournament which is put together by Canadian Somali Youth is meant to bring together the young Somalis in Canada. The aim is to develop the youngsters into community active individuals and to sway them away from involving themselves with gangs and violence.
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somali/gggxeronHTo.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Reer Xamarka ama dadka Gibil Cadka waa Ku Dheereeyaan Qabashada Xafladaha Arooska
Arooska iyo Aroosadda inta la soo geliyay gurigii aroosku ka dhacayay ayaa labadoodii isla ciyaara la yiri, sida gabadhu u wareejisay maba u eka inay aroosad tahay. --- Daawo arooska Amaara Cali Shucuurle iyo magaciisii (UAE) Hoos Riix
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/Abdala72/_GKmqjNOZ04.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Dowladda DKMG U Ku Eedeysay allPuntland.com iney Warar Been Abuur Ah Ka Sheegto
Agaasinka Warfaafinta ee DKMG ah ayaa dhowaan soo saaray war saxaafadeed lagu soo qoray shabakadaha wararka kaasoo lagu dhaliilayay war dhowaan ay soo qoreen ragga soo daabaca allPuntland.com. Linkigan Hoose riix oo aqriso war saxaafadeedka iyo weliba warkii allPuntland.com qortay
in reference to: http://www.dalkanews.com/news.php?readmore=5906 (view on Google Sidewiki)Friday, February 19, 2010
Surprise Surprise! What do We Have here?
They Say its a Small World After all
in reference to: http://www.somchat.com/2010/02/somali-chat-over-million-somalis.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Ciidamada Dowladda oo Line Up dad Geliyay baaraya
Kadib markii miino dhulka loo suray Yuusuf Indhacade oo Saarnaa gaarigiisii taas oo ka badbaaday, ayaa magaalada lagu soo daayay ciidamada dowladda kuwaaso agagaarka miinadaas ka qaraxday dadkii marayay line up geilyay hal halna u baarayay. Hoos Ka Daawo
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somali/4hdOhqE_2iE.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Monday, February 15, 2010
Heestii Warsan. Hees aad u macaan oo dad badani ka heleen. Daawo hadda.
Video Raaxo leh. Erayadii Shamso Maxamed Foot Laxankii Abdirahmaan Sheikh Axmed Gaas Muusigii: Axmed Salah Heestii Warsan Hadda Daawo
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/SaafiFilms/VhK_Of7uHIY.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Sunday, February 14, 2010
Wargelin Show 13/02/2010 - Daawo Wargelin Show Qaybihiisa Cusub:
Hadda Ka Daawo WaaTV.com Wargelin Show qaybihiisa cusub iyo kuwii hore! Midka Wiigaan fadlan linkiga hoose ka gal.
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/Wargelin/hnttXIyqMnA.html (view on Google Sidewiki)U.K Somali Festival Week. Fiirso dadkeena sida ay isu raacsanyahiin marka dibadaha la joogo.
Video-gan hoos linkigiisu yaalo waa mid laga soo duubay xaflad dadkeena reer U.K ay isugu yimaadeen iyagoo halkaas ku dabaal dageen. www.somchat.com
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somali/iDTexPBJXGA.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Is Google Buzz Perfect Tool to Share with the World? Buzz or Not To Buzz
It appears that some of the users of Google Buzz did not like that they were automatically followed by people they don't know whom they apparently emailed in the past. Since Google Buzz is a Gmail subordinate - you must have Gmail to have Google Buzz - all of your email contacts can be following you, and can read all your entries in buzz if they chose to, without your knowledge by the way. So many people complained to Google Buzz team about this another things and so, here are some changes Google made to correct these!
in reference to: http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2010/02/new-buzz-start-up-experience-based-on.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Saturday, February 13, 2010
Sirdoonka U.K oo Hanjabaad Ku Raadinaya in Loogu Shaqeeyo
Dhalinyaro reer U.K ah ayaa sheegay in Sirdoonka U.K oo loo yaqaano MI5 ay ugu hanjabeen in hadii ay sirdoonkooda u shaqeyn waayaan ay suuqa u gelinayaan in ay yihiin Alqaacida. Daawo wareysi lala yeeshay wiil ka mid dhalinyartaas - Hoos ka fiirso
in reference to: http://videos.dalkanews.com/content/view/460/37/ (view on Google Sidewiki)Interview with Ms Maya = Somali Model
Watch the Interview with a young somali female model who is said to be the next IMAN.
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/Bartamaha/Wa7-tB26Fj0.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Gabay 1960-kii by Sahro Bashiir Cumar - Habeenkii Afsoomaaliga
Minnesota, Gabadhan markey gabaygaan aqrisay aad ayaan ugu riyaaqay. Daawo Sahro Bashiir oo ku luuqeyneysa gabayga 1960 kii oo ah mid gobanimo doon ah.
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/Sonna.net/DeeH0CMJfeU.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Friday, February 12, 2010
Rebels Reinforcement Pour Into Capital
Read More Link Below
in reference to: http://www.eastafricaforum.net/2010/02/10/somali-rebels-pour-into-mogadishu/ (view on Google Sidewiki)Sir Aad Ku Hesho Shan Doolar Markastaa Qof U sheegto!
Sirtan waa mid aad u fudud hadana qofkastaa ka faa'iideysan karo. Waa sir hadii aad barato aad qofkastaa u sheegto si fudud kuu siinayo shan doolar labo daqiiqo gudahood. Waa mid layaab leh, hadana aad lacag aan caadi aheyn kaasoo galeyso. Bal fiiri sirtaan, hoos riix
in reference to: http://www.ctoz.net/ (view on Google Sidewiki)Layaab Badanaa!! 9 Jir Jaad Dhoofis Lagu Qabtay Norway
Sagaal jir Somali ah oo sita boorso jaad ah ayaa waxaa gacanta ku dhigay booliska dalka Norway gaar ahaan kuwa ka howl gala garoonka diyaaradaha Rygge stanset ee deegaanka Moss oo wax yar u jirta caasimada Oslo.
in reference to: http://iftin.net/?p=5312 (view on Google Sidewiki)Waa Imisa inta dagaalada ku le'day bishii lasoo dhaafay?
Qaramada Midoobay xisaab ay ku sheegeen inta qof ee dagaalada dalka ku dhintay bishii Janaayo ee lasoo dhaafay ayaa sheegaya in in kabada 250 qof xabadu leeftay, ama dhaawac u dhintay. Halkaan hoose ka aqriso
'Exchanges of mortar and gunfire between al-Shabab and pro-government forces killed more than 250 Somali civilians in January, according to the U.N'
Good News! Aid Dependence is Decreasing!
The number of Somalis needing aid has fallen by more than half a million because of increased food production, mostly in the south of the Horn of Africa state, a survey showed on Thursday.
In August last year 3.76 million people, about half the population, needed humanitarian aid. But a report by the U.N.’s Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit (FSNAU) said the number in need had now been reduced to 3.2 million.
Google Buzz! Wonder if SideWiki Can Squeeze Itself Into You!
Here is a thought! Should Google add the Share Options of SideWiki the Google Buzz? I mean, think about it. You use SideWiki on a web site, can't you BUZZ about the same site with friends? Wouldn't it be an easy way to add links to Buzz? I already use SideWiki with blogger and it is working out really great!
By the way, if you are reading this post on one of my blogs, then you better check out the link ref: below to read about Google Buzz because you may be missing out on one of the newest Google innovations called the Google Buzz
Dad Mareykan ah oo Soo Dhiibay Deeq Daawo ah Ku Socota Xamar
Dowladda Mareykanka ayaan had iyo goor ku eedeynaa inay lug ku leedahay burburka dalka Soomaaliya. Hadii taasi run tahay, iyo hadeysan ahaynba, waxaa cad in dadka Mareykanka (shacabka ah) aan dhamaantood aysan naga mutaysan inaan eedaas gaarsiino. Dekadda Muqdisho ayaa shalay waxaa kasoo degtay caawinaad ka timid shacabka Mareykanka oo aheyd daawo. Hoos ka aqriso
in reference to: http://hiiraan.com/news/2010/Feb/wararka_maanta12-8922.htm (view on Google Sidewiki)What is Google SideWiki? Quick Answer
Google says: What if everyone, from a guitar enthusiast to a renowned doctor, had an easy way of sharing their insights with you about any page on the web?
That easy way Google is referring to is their commenting tool called SideWiki. Using SideWiki you can comment on web sites without signing up for them and all those that have SideWiki tool bar installed can also see your comments and comment back
To use Google SideWiki you obviously need to have a Gmail account. Gmail is usually referred to as Google Account. Just click the ref: link below to read more! This is an exciting new way to share your voice with others about every page you visit on the web (if you want to)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
PRESENTATION: Somalia's Journalism Industry is a SCAM!
This video presentation apparently is a loud reminder of what chaos and lack of governance can bring to a society. How can our journalists be scam artists? Watch the Video!
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somalia/zJh8fstbhig.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Ma la socotaa inta wadan ee aduunka ee heysta Nuclear Bombs?
Video-gan ayaa ka hadlaya ee Daawo - WaaTV
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/World%20News%20Channals/9WQYMQtSe9A.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Iran President to expose 9/11 & 7/7 on the 11th Feb 2010 (WORLD EXCLUSIVE!!)
The Video: You can tell me the secret this video is revealing because I have no Idea! -- It sounds very mysterious though. Here is the video!
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/World%20News%20Channals/0tx9bC9xZ38.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Monday, February 8, 2010
Askar itoobiyaan ah oo tuulada Ceel Barde Ka qabqabtay qoyskii nin ay u raadinayeen argagixiso ahaan
Nin ka tirsanaa Alshabaab ayaa ka cararay guri uu deganaa isagoo markii Ciidamo Tigre ah oo raadinayay isaga ay ku soo dhowaayeen xaafadiisa ka dhuuntay. Meeshii ninkaas Itoobiyaanku ka qaban lahaayeen, ayay cidiisii oo dhan kaxeesteen kadib markii ay arki waayeen meel uu lug iyo jaan jeriyay. Aqriso maqaalkaas (Africa Times News.com) Hoos Riix
in reference to: http://www.africa-times-news.com/2010/02/ethiopian-troops-cross-into-two-somali-towns-locals/ (view on Google Sidewiki)Ninkii Doon Ku Yimi baa Geeridu Dhibeysaa
In u Dhashay dalka Jordan (Urdun) oo u soo dagaal doontay Muqdisho una yimid inuu dad Soomaali ah dhulkooda ku laayo ayaa sida ay u egtahay tiisii soo booqatay isagoo ku nafwaayay halkii uu u yimid inuu dad ku xasuuqo. Aqriso GalgaduudPost - Shabaabka oo Dilay Nin Ajnabi ah oo Ka tirsanaa - Riix linkiga hoose
in reference to: http://www.galgaduudpost.com/news.php?readmore=1043 (view on Google Sidewiki)Xilibaano Ka Tirsan Parlamaanka DKMG oo Kenya Weydiisan Raba Raali Gelin
Sida wararku sheegayaan, xilibaano ayaa ka xanaaqsan dhibaatooyinka ay kala soo kulmeen Nairobi siida askartii burbursatay ee kenyaatiga ahayd. SIdaa darteed waxa ay Muqdisho ku soo bandhigeen waxa loo yaqaan 'parliamentary grievance motion' oo ah qaab uu baarlamaanku ku eedeynayo dowladda Kenya, kana codsanayo in dowladda Kenya ay la imaato raali gelin maadaama ay dadkeena cunsuriyadnimo kula dhaqmeen. Hoos ka aqriso warkaas oo sii dheer.
in reference to: http://www.nation.co.ke/News/africa/-/1066/854988/-/123ri38z/-/ (view on Google Sidewiki)Daawo Sii Daaya Lamaanaha : Hees Cusub for Paul and Rachel -
Hadii aadan daawan heestan daawo waa mid aad dhiigaaga u kicineysa. Ka daawa dalkanews.com linkiga hoose
in reference to: http://videos.dalkanews.com/content/blogsection/0/37/ (view on Google Sidewiki)Sii Daaya Lamaanaha - Paul iyo Rachel Chandler oo Hees Cusub Reer U.K u Qaadeen.
Qoraaga Heesta waa Cabdi Shire, The Somali Community in the U.K are very disappointed by the capture of Paul and Rachel Chandler and have writen a song that talks directly to the captures - the Pirates - asking them to release! Daawo Heestan on WaaTV.com
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somali/VrQYOR3s8NU.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Sunday, February 7, 2010
WHo is SaveTheChandlers.com? Is it Save to Donate?
Apparently the SaveTheChandlers.com web site is run a by a mystery publisher, someone who does not mention his or her name on the web site but claims that the money raised on that site will be donated to release the british couple held by the pirates almost four months now. Although it is very good thing to donate money for their release, one must be sure first that the money raised will go directly to their release! Check out the site SaveTheChandlers.com's about page below.
in reference to: http://www.savethechandlers.com/about/ (view on Google Sidewiki)Yaa Gubay Suuqa Bakaaraha? Indhacade oo Sheegay in Shabaabku Ka Dambeeyeen
Sida uu sheegay Wasiiru Dowlaha Wasaarada Gaashaandhiga ee DKMG ayaa UniversalTV u sheegay in Ururka Alshabaab ay ka dambeeyeen dabkii ka dhacay suuqa bakaaraha. Waxa kale uu sheegay in shabaabku ay weliba isku sii dayayaan inay lacago kale kasii aruursadaan dadka oo ay ku marmarsinoonayaan inay dadka dabka maal kaga dhumay inay ku caawinayaan. Hoos riix oo daawo videogan
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somali/2cNlrbI1Vfk.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Goal.com oo Soo bandhigtay Ciyaartoyda Muqdisho ka howgala - Footbal
Cinwaanka article dheer oo Goal.com ka soo diyaarisay ciyaartoyda ka ciyaaraha magaalada Muqdisho waa Football United: 'Put Down the Gun, Pick Up the Ball' Hoos ka gal warbixintan dheer oo wato sawirro xiise leh!
in reference to: http://www.goal.com/en/news/2850/football-united/2010/02/07/1778237/football-united-put-down-the-gun-pick-up-the-ball-football-gives- (view on Google Sidewiki)Saturday, February 6, 2010
blogger-dashboard templates SCAM! Stolen ADSENSE clicks
Need Blogger Templates? DO NOT USE the free Blogger-Dashboard Templates! Here is why! They have Malware in them that inlcluded Adsense Ads of their own on your web site automatically! Read this review of a popular blogger! Blogger-DashBoard Templates is a Scam! Read Here
in reference to: http://www.somchat.com/2010/02/free-blogger-dashboard-templates-is.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Markab Ariella oo Laga Fakiyay Burcad Badeed La Wareegi Rabtay Ka Dib markii Shaqaalihii Qol Dhufeys ah Isku Soo Xireen
Markab Dagaal laga leeyahay dalka Denmarka ayaa shalay ka hortagay Burcad Badeed la wareegi rabtay markab laga leeyahay Barbuda lulayayna calanka Antigua. Markii ay soo korayeen burcadku markabka ay qabsan rabeen oo loo yaqaan Ariella, ayaa shaqaalaha markabku isla markiiba u baaqeen ciidamada badda ee dalkaasi India kuwaasoo soo diray diyaarad ay leeyihiin Danmark. Intii diyaarado soo socotay, shaqaalihii markabka ayaa isku soo xiray qol ay dhufeys horeyba ugu soo talagaleen. Intii burcad badeedku isku dayayeen inay soo jebiyaan qolkaas ayaa ku yimaadeen ciidamada badda danmark. Isla markiiba burcadkii ayaa firaaqeeyay markabka halkaana ku fashilmay. Aqriso warkaan oo Ingiriis ah - linkiga hose riixo
in reference to: http://www.google.com/hostednews/ukpress/article/ALeqM5iAIx2Bggav_86ArS0DnBhcaXD18Q (view on Google Sidewiki)Maxay Ka Qabtaa Dowladda DKMG La Heystayaasha Paul iyo Rachel Chandler?
Wasiirka Shaqada Maxamed Cabdi Xayir (Maareeye) ayaa war saxaafadeed Vila Soomaaliya uu dhowaan ku qabtay ku sheegay in dowladda KMG ahi ka danqatay xaaladda lagu hayo Paul iyo Rachel Chandler oo ah wadaniyiinta Ingiriiska u dhashay oo ay burcad badeedu heysteen muddo ka badan seddax bilood. Maareeye ayaa ka codsaday dowladda Ingiriiska inay ka caawiso DKMG-da sidii loosoo dayn lahaa laba qof. Waxa kale ee uu ka codsaday Maareeye oday dhaqameedka ag degan burcadka inay sameeyaan dhaq dhaqaaqyo ay kaga soo horjeedaan falalka xun ay ee burcad badeedku kula wareegaan dadka ajnabiga ah.
in reference to: http://newsblaze.com/story/20100206081517shaf.nb/topstory.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Layaab: Ma runbaa in Saraakiil Shabaab ka tirsanaa diideen Xasan Daahir oo La Qaarijiyo?
Web siteka Waaga Cusub oo soo qortay in ururka Alshabaab ay dileen saraakiil iyaga ka tirsanaa oo diidanaa qorshe lagu dili lahaa Xasan Daahir Aweys - Hoos ka aqrisho warkaas - (linkiga hoose furo)
in reference to: http://www.waagacusub.com/news/ (view on Google Sidewiki)Friday, February 5, 2010
Dadkeena Reer Mareykanka ah iyo Urur Nabaddoon ah oo Ka Hadlaya waxaabaha ay qabtaan
Mohamed Ali, Chairman of Peace Council discusses the Agenda of the group he's heading. Presented by the Voice TV
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Bakaare oo Gubtay iyo Shabaab oo Gacan Siineysa
Ururka Hubeysan ee Alshabaab ayaa sheegay inay garab siinayaan dadkii maalka uga gubtay Bakaaraha. Su'aasha meesha taala waa, aaway dowladda marka dhibcaha laga qaadanayo? Miyaysan oqoon waxa loo yaqaan Public Relations (PR)? Hoos Ka Daawo..
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somali/KO06Xiyqu7w.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Muxaadaro: Ka Dhowrso Aduunka - Kenyawi
Dhageyso Muxaadaradan
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/Fiirsidotcom/6lxV0BYk8u4.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Hees: Cabdullahi Boqol oo Qaadaya Heestii Suleekha
Waa Fanaanka da'da yar ee Reer Toronto ah ahna mid aad u cod macaan. Daawo isagoo qaadaya heesta Suleekha. Hoos Riix
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/cabdullahi%20boqol/Rn-hyx5FvGs.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Karnataka Mysore Girls Fighting Caught On Camera
I've been in Mysore for three Years and this is the first time I've seen a fight. Shocking! Mysore Girls Fighting. I never thought that the Kanada Girls know how to fight. Now This Video tells me they can fight, in gangs too! -- Where is the police commissioner?
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/mysore%20girl/JphflJ5zlfg.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Jamundi Hills - Mysore - Major Attraction
I personally have been to Jamundi Hills. It is a pretty place and the number 1 tourist attraction. You can practically see the the whole city of Mysore from the hills and at night, you can see the city all lit as shimmers of light sparkle and display an amazing picture of the tourist city of Mysore...See the sights and sounds of the Jamundi Hills
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/mysore/o3jcviTmJac.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Waa Kanaa Video-gii Xilibaanadii oo Shiraya
Hoos ka daawo Video-ga Universal TV oo Xilibaanadii ku shiray Nayroobi
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/Sonna.net/QroGRGcK0SU.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Maxay Hayaan Xildhibaanda Jooga Neeyroobi?
Telefishinka UniversalTV ayaa dhowaan ka soo diyaariyay warbixin ku saabsan xaalada xilibaanada baarlamaanka kuwaasoo ku go'doonsan magaalada Neeyroobi maadaama loo heysto lacago farabadan oo deyn ahaan ugu deganayaan hotelladii ay deganaayeen bilihii ugu dambeeyay. Waxa ay ku heshiiyeen inay isbuuc gudahiis ugu laabtaan magaala madaxdii laga sugayay. Su'aasha waa, ma bixin doonaan lacagta deynta ah mise waa ka dhuumanayaan? Hoos ka daawo video-gan
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/Sonna.net/QroGRGcK0SU.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Sir Aad Ku Hesho Shan Doolar Markastaa Qof U sheegto
Walaal maanta waxaan ku tusiyaa si aad u fudud oo aad u heli karto shan doolar markastaa oo qof kale aad ka dhaadhiciso sirtan yar ee aan kuusoo bandhigi doono. Adigoo Sii Aqrinaya Riix Linkiga Hoose ama http://www.ctoz.net Hadda Isoo Gaar
in reference to: http://www.ctoz.net/ (view on Google Sidewiki)Five Dollars, Five Dollars, Five Dollars! FREE - FREE Five Dollars For You
If You think I am ranting, Just try following the link given below - You can make Five Dollars again and Again and Again..unlimited times every two minutes or less - Easy way to make money --- Just go to http://www.ctoz.net and follow the easy simple steps... I recommend you do it right now!
in reference to: http://www.somchat.com/ (view on Google Sidewiki)Puntland Threatened by Alshabaab? Says CBC report
This video reports that the self declared state is threatened by the Islamic group, Alshabaab. Watch link below
in reference to: http://videos.dalkanews.com/content/view/449/37/ (view on Google Sidewiki)Abdi Faarax Saciid Waayo? Maxuuse u Qabtay Puntland?
Ninkan Abdi Farah Said oo kaalin sare ka haayo maamul goboleedka Puntland ayaa sheeganaya inuu kaalin weyn ka qaatay dib u dhisidda Puntland. Ninkaan oo ah Minister of Education ahna Canadian Citizen ayaa ka hadlaya kala duwanshaha Somalia. Ninkaan ayaa sheegaya in Koonfurta Soomaaliya ay afduubatay magaca dalka isagoo kala qeexaya sida ay Puntland uga duwantahay qaybaha kale ee dalkeena. Daawo CBC oo warbixin dheer kasoo duubtay arinkaan. Gaar Dalkanews ama linkiga hoose - Waa barnaamij xiise leh.
in reference to: http://videos.dalkanews.com/content/view/449/37/ (view on Google Sidewiki)Soomaalida Ingiriiska U.K oo Lacag Aruuris u Bilaawday Paul and Rachel
Waxaa layaab leh in dowladda Ingiriisku ku gacan seyrtay codsigii labada laheyste ee Paul and Rachel oo ahaa in laga soo daayo Burcad Badeedka. Sidoo kale waxaa kasii yaab badan Soomaalida joogta Ingiriiska oo labadaas Ingiriiska ah u uruurinaya Lacagta Madax Furashada. Video BBC kasoo diyaarisay arinkaan hoos riix oo daawo (Dalkanews.com)
in reference to: http://videos.dalkanews.com/content/view/448/37/ (view on Google Sidewiki)Wednesday, February 3, 2010
India's A.R. Rahman is Stage Shy - Wins a Grammy and Runs of Stage.
Twice this guy runs off the stage in less than ten seconds after accepting his grammies. This is a well know song writer and singer in bollywood and now all over the world after success of Slum Dog Millionaire -- watch A.R. Rahman accepting grammies.
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/pmpZ_Mv_kH8/pmpZ_Mv_kH8.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Aragtida Bulshada U.K iyo Soomaalida
Aragtida Bulshada iyo Sida Loo Arko Soomaalida
Maxamed Cabdullahi iyo dhalinyaro kare oo ka tirsan dhalinyarada U.K. Somali Initiative ayaa dhowaan UniversalTV UK ka wareysatay sida loo arko dadkeena iyo waxyaabaha laga aaminsan yahay. Waa wareysi xasaasi ah. Joornaalada ka mid ah kuwa si xun Soomaalida uga hadla had iyo goor ayaa ka mid ah The Sun, iyo Times Online oo ah joornaalo kasoo baxa gudaha U.K. Bal daawo linkiga hoose riix
Qaybta 1 Koowaad
Qaybta 2-baad
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Who are the Artists in We Are The World 2010? Artist List Released
Celine Dion and Usher are among more than hundred Celebrities and Recording Artists participating the We Are The World 2010 song. Is K'Naan one of them?
in reference to: http://www.somchat.com/2010/02/we-are-world-2010-list-of-artists.html (view on Google Sidewiki)K'Naan What is Hardcore? Probably K'Naan's Most Telling Story.
What's Hardcore by K'Naan is a rap song he tells his story in Wardheeglay where he was raised at an early young age. K'naan depicts his childhood neighborhood as place where AK47 rules and no police any where! Hear it if you can keep up with the beat! (Of course, remember is an old track) Link is below ---->
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/knaan/4m4U6qLfXKg.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Mucjiso: Gabar 9 jir ah oo dhashay, noqotay hooyooyinka aduunka ugu yar.
Gabar da'deedu tahay sagaal jir ahna chinese ayaa dhowaan ku dhashay canug nool isbitaal ku yaala magaalada Changchun ee waqooyiga China. Aqriso maqaalka arinkaa ka hadlaya (riixo linkiga hoose)
in reference to: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1247889/Girl-9-gives-birth-health-baby-boy.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Sawirro Cajiib ah oo laga aruuriyay dagaallada Dalkeena
Video-gan waa short documentary ka sheekeynaya dagaalada iyo muuqaalka dadka. Hoos ka daawo
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somalia/B_hqfMWS1nk.html (view on Google Sidewiki)1979 October - Xafladdii Oktoobareey - Video Cusub - Siad Bare oo Daawanaya
Waa waayo waayo waayo! Daawo waagii Siyad Bare dalka ka talin jiray.
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somalia/VnIQMHNDzwg.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Video matalaya Shabaab oo Gacanta Goyneysa!
Waa Video Naxdin badan! Fadlan ha daawan hadii Beer jileec kugu jiro!
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/shactiro/uFbXWycqGHQ.html (view on Google Sidewiki)16 Dead in a Mexican night Club Party Mascare
MEXICAN MASSACRE... Death toll in Mexican party massacre rises to 16 by Alicia Caldwell - Feb. 1, 2010 02:31 PM Associated Press The death toll of the weekend massacre in Ciudad Juarez, one of the deadliest cities in the world, rose to 16 after three more victims died at hospitals, according to the Chihuahua state attorney general's office. The young people were gathered to watch a boxing match Saturday night when two trucks drove up loaded with armed men who opened fire. Some people were shot as they tried to flee and their bodies were found near neighboring homes. The victims' ages ranged from 15 to 20. -- Watch video below
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/AssociatedPress/fgge_h95zrc.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Please Help US. Says Rachel Chandler - What a terrible thing to do to human beings!
It is very disturbing to know that there are people out there who watch the inhumane videos released by the pirates and do nothing. Free the Chandlers!
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somali/4apRiv36xZE.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Hees Macaan. C/rashiid Killer. Music
Waa hees cusub ee uu noosoo bandhigayo fanaankii waynaa ee reer Minnesota U.S.A ee C/RASHIID KILLER
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somali/dk3JKuTMcUg.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Daawo Sawirrada Shirka Ururka Midowga Afrika
Ma aragtay xooghayaha DKMG iyo Khadafi oo is dhunkanaya? Daawo sawirrada xasaasiga ah bogga linkiga hoose ka fiirso
in reference to: http://videos.dalkanews.com/content/view/444/37/ (view on Google Sidewiki)Axmed Madoobe oo Sheegay in Raaskambooni ayna ku beerin Shabaabka
Waxaa uu Axmad Madoobe sheegay in ay been tahay in Raaskambooni ku biireen ururka alshabaab isagoo yiri ninka ka dambeeya soo gelinta mucaskarta Raaskambooni xerada shabaabka oo ah Xasan Turki waa nin xanuunsan
in reference to: http://dalkanews.com/news.php?readmore=5777 (view on Google Sidewiki)Monday, February 1, 2010
Ma Janadii Fardowsoo Jidkeedii La Helaybaa - Hees
Abdihakim Farayare - Ma Janadi Fardowso Jidkeedi La Helay baa - Live performance by Farayare -
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/Banadir24Music/9kgcii3yp58.html (view on Google Sidewiki)VOA Somali-Service: Farhia Absie’s resignation letter due to harassment and discrimination
Waa waraaq Farhia Cabsiiye oo u shaqeyn jirtay VOA laanta afsoomaliga ay qortay markii xilka ay iska wareejisay (ama shaqada laga cayriyay) taas oo ay ku eedeyneyso C/rixmaan Yabaroow Weheliye, oo ah agaasimaha VOA laanta afsoomaliga, inuu shuqul xumo ku sameeyay ama afaaro qabiil gabadha shaqada uga diray. Hoos ka aqriso Bartamaha.com waraaqdaas
in reference to: http://www.bartamaha.com/?p=19931 (view on Google Sidewiki)Young Madah, Fall Back Music Video - Rap Music
It seems the 'lets rap' theme is going on full throttle in our community especially our youth in North America. This video (link below) is the music video of Madah' song Fall Back (rap) - Even if you hate it, it is worth a mention because we rather see them singing than fighting back home and killing people
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somali%20rap/c5yRpZw30To.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Kay - Let Me Know - New 'mali Rapper got Talent
Either you hate rap music or love it. Regardless, nowadays it seems our young men are picking up the act following the footsteps of now the 'mali superstar K'naan. Here is a song by a young rapper named KAY, directed by Ryan Spaulding labelled by Fresh Ent. Check it out - this is HOT music for those of you who love rap music!
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somali%20rap/M8Qd1yCX8eQ.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Warxasaasi ah. Xasan Turki oo Ku biiray Alshabaab -
The saying goes 'If you can't beat them, Join them.' Xasan Turki saan filayo waxa ay ka tahay "dib u gurasho" marka uu u sheegay shabaabka inuu ka mid yahay. Waa aan idanka nabad galo ilaa aan meel kale oo ku nabad galo iisoo baxdo. -- Riix hoos oo sii aqri
in reference to: http://dalkanews.com/news.php?readmore=5773 (view on Google Sidewiki)Warning! Stay Away From Denmark! -
Reports are coming out the Denmark is the worst country in the EU for Somalis as they face hate crimes daily. Read the link below!
in reference to: http://somethingmanky.blogspot.com/2010/01/its-not-easy-being-somali-in-denmark.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Special Report about the Horn! The Forgotten Land
Special report The rise of Islamic militia in Somalia World news The Observer. Where's the Love? --- Watch the Video below
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somalia/UlhhV_FM1FI.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Wargelin: This week's Show is hotter than ever!
Check out the wargelin Show for the week starting February 1st. The show has many reports including an interview with Hanoolaato, the up and coming political/social organization of Somali Youth who vow to liberate the country! -- Follow the link below
in reference to: http://videos.dalkanews.com/content/view/443/37/ (view on Google Sidewiki)Ciyaaro Hiddo iyo Dhaqan. Ma DHaantaa?
Video Sonna.NET soo gelisay oo dalkii laga boodayo Dhaanto. Hoos linkiga ka fiirso
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somali/XyMsWQFHMGk.html (view on Google Sidewiki)Suugaan: Gabay Caasha Luul u tirneyso Suxufiyiinta iyo Abwaaniinta Dalka
Waa Gabay ay gabadhu u tirisay suxufiyiinta iyo abwaaniinta. Daawo Caasho oo tirineysa gabayga. - Linkiga Hoose Riix
in reference to: http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somali/7OhbNPVb5vc.html (view on Google Sidewiki)