The Copy-Ethiopia crew are now doing what they were trained to do. Ever since they arrived Mogadishu, they started robbing businesses, civilians, and mostly small businessmen who sell Jaat. They do their evil deeds in daylight not fearing any one's retaliation. Some people report that the TFG Copy-Ethiopia militia even rob the poor beggars snatching them of the coins they were begging all day.
The Copy-Ethiopia TFG militia was trained in Ethiopia and are in Ethiopian army uniforms. They were also armed and funded by the Ethiopian government of whom command they're under. This army arrived in Mogadishu last month and have already caused many civilian casualties and displacements and continue to do so.
Places such as shops and big markets as well as unarmed civilians including women and children are those mostly targeted by the armed bandits who stop their victims as they walk in small armed groups. They are regularly seen in Hamar Weyne, Shingani, Shibis, Waaberi and Kaaraan districts which are all mainly under the TFG's control.

Somali blogs and news will keep you posted on any additional reports coming of out of Mogadishu about this story.
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