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Monday, October 5, 2009
Video Shiikh Shariif Qudbo uu Ka Jeediyay Minneapolis, Madaxweyne Shariif oo Qudbeeyay
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Afhayeenka Golaha Shuurada Xizbul Islaam Shiikh Ismaaciil xaaji cadow oo ku sugan magaalada Kismaayo ayaa ku eedeeyay Xarakatu Al-Shabab in ay dagaal ku soo qaadeen fariisimaha ay kaga sugan yihiin magaalada Kismaayo,
isagoo wax laga xumaado ku tilmaamay in dadka rayidka dhexdooda ay ku dagaalamaan. Waxaan cadeynaynaa in fariisimaha ciidamadeena Xizbiga joogaan in ay ku soo qaadeen walaalaha shabaabka dagaal saf ah" ayuu yiri Shiikh Ismaaciil Xaaji cadow oo intaa ku daray in iyagu ay is difaacayaan , mar uu goordhow la hadlay warbaahin Muqdisho.
Sii Aqri on - Sh. Ismaaciil Xaaji Cadoow oo Alshabaab Ku eedeeyay in ay iyagu Dagaalka Kismaayo BilaabeenXoogag ka tirsan Al-Shabab oo ku hubeysan gaadiidka dagaalka oo soo buuxiyay agagaarka Baar xaraf & cabsi ka taagan Ceelasha Biyaha.
WAR DEG DEG AH: Dhaqdhaqaaqyo ciidan oo iska soo horjeeda oo ka bilowday gobolka Sh/hoose.
Maleeshiyaadka Puntland oo ka celiyay Koontaroolka W/Galkacyo Saraakiishii dowladda ee B/weyn ka soo baxday.
Maleeshiyaad ka tirsan Puntland ee ku sugan halka kala barta Waqooyiga iyo Koofurta magaalada Galkacyo ayaa shalay gelinkii dambe is hortaagay qaar ka tirsan Saraakiishii dowladda soomaaliye ee magaalada B/weyn xilli ay doonayeen inay u gudbaan deegaanada maamulka Puntland ka arimiyo.
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Xoogag ka tirsan Al-Shabab oo ku hubeysan gaadiidka dagaalka oo soo buuxiyay agagaarka Baar xaraf & cabsi ka taagan Ceelasha Biyaha.
(01-10-2009)Iyadoo ay muuqato in ay seefaha iskula baxeen Xarakatu Al-Shabab iyo Xizbul Islam tan iyo markii ay isku qoomeen maamulkii Ksimaayo, isla markaana hadalo kulul isaga dhaafsaday warbaahinta ayaa waxaa taagan dareen ku dheehan cabsi dagaal oo laga yaabo inay saameyso deegaanada ay ku wada sugan yihiin.
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WAR DEG DEG AH:Dagaal culus oo la isu adeegsanayo madaafiicda goobta oo ka qarxay Kismaayo & barakac ka bilowday magaalada.
Somali blogs and news will keep you posted on any additional reports coming of out of Mogadishu about this story.Somchat would like to publish your story. Please send us your link so we can review it and publish it!
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Wednesday, July 8, 2009
What Happened To Youtube? Down For Maintenance? WHy?
If you visited Youtube on July 9th 2009, then you're in for a surprise! One of the Internet's leading web sites, youtube is shut down by Google(TM) for maintenance. This is shocking news by any standard to the hundreds of millions of visitors that go to daily to watch videos. Many of the videos on this web site are from youtube itself and it is possible that the videos might not work for you.
So, how does this effect the millions of web sites that embed youtube videos? After checking the videos on this site, it appears the videos will continue to work during the outage of the world's leading video sharing web site,
How will the outage of effect the Internet traffic?
Youtube is ranked 3rd on Alexa which means there are two web sites on the Internet that get more traffic that Youtube. So, where will all those visitors go on the Internet since Youtube is down for maintenance? The answer is, those same visitors will search for news on Youtube being down.
So, here is the scoop. Youtube announced the past few days via a message on web site telling its visitors that the web site will be down for maintenance for a few hours. So, those who noticed will know what happened, those who didn't will see the message on the web site right now that tells them they need to come back later because there will be no video watching happening at this time.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Adsense and Make Money Online programs Explained in Simplest Terms
Source: Somalia blogs and news
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Af Soomaali blog | Somalia Blog | YouSomali | Number 1 Somali Blogs | Mogadishu News | Current Somali News | Somali News Articles | United Islamic Courts Blog | Somali News Blog | Somali By Somalis | Somali Cities Blogs | US Agenda In Somalia | Somali Music
Other Somali Sources Amin Arts Discussions | Somali News and Blogs
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sidoo looga qaataa Masawir website-yada Right Click aan ogoleyn ama Falaashka isticmaala?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Somali migrants die off Yemen
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Re: Alshabab Cannot Participate in Somali Peace Talks Says Ethiopia
Xoogaga MMIS garabka Dr.Cumar Iimaan ayaa Galabta weerar xoogan oo ka fool ka fool ah ku kala qaaday Ciidamada DKMG ah ee Fariisimaha ku kala leh Xeradii hore ee Asluubta iyo Sarkuusta Duleedka Mgaalada Muqdisho.
Xiriir aanu la sameynay Dr.Xasan Mahdi oo ka mid ah Mas'uuliyiinta ugu sar-sareysa MMIS garabka Dr. Cumar Iimaan ayaa sheegay in Dagaal socday wax ka badan Hal saac ay ku ekeeyeen labadaasi fariisin isla markaana ay la wareegeen gacan ku haynta fariisinka Sarkuusta.
Mar aanu weydiinay Khasaaraha dhinacooda soo gaaray ayaa waxa uu sheegay in uu Dagaalkaasi kaga geeriyooday Hal wiil mid kalana uu ka dhaawacmay, wuxuuna sheegay in aysan si dhab ah u sheegi Karin khasaaraha rasmiga ah ee soo gaaray dhinaca DKMG ah.
Waa Dagaalkii ugu horeeyay oo ka fool ka fool ah oo ay Xoogaga MMIS Garabka Dr. Cumar Iimaan ku qaadeen Xeradii hore ee Asluubta tan iyo markii ay Ciidamada Gumeysiga Itoobiya halkaasi ka guureen.
Sidoo kale Dagaalkan ayaa ku soo beegmaya xili ay Maanta Dagaalo xoogan ka kala dhaceen, Degmada Yaaqshiid, iyo Dharkaynleey.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Warlords, Self-deception, And The Ruin of The Somali Nation
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Alshabab Cannot Participate in Somali Peace Talks Says Ethiopia
Ethiopia says it will not allow Somalia's al-Shabaab, the military wing of Islamic Courts Union, to take part in any peace negotiations.The Ethiopian foreign ministry said in a statement on Friday that al-Shabaab, 'with a declared objective of spreading extremism to the entire region', can not be considered a reliable partner in Somalia's peace talks.The statement comes in response to a report published by International Crisis Group (ICG), which said the inclusion of al-Shabaab in the Somali peace process would be useful following the Ethiopian troops' withdrawal from the war-torn country.Ethiopian trucks packed with soldiers and light and heavy equipment were seen leaving Mogadishu on Friday, the first signs of the expected withdrawal. Somali officials have said the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops will be done in stages.ICU did not take part in Djibouti peace talks between the Somali government and the opposition group, Alliance for Re-liberation of Somalia, which led to setting a time-table for the Ethiopian forces' pull-out.Ethiopian troops were deployed to Somalia in 2006 to help the transitional federal government oust al-Shabaab. However, their presence has been deeply unpopular with the Somali people."The decision of the US government to include al-Shabaab in the list of terrorist organizations is what emboldened extremists into vowing to establish a Taliban like Islamic Caliphate in the entire region," the statement added.The resignation of top Somali government officials, including President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, has brought the already violent-ridden country to utter chaos.ICU still holds sway over most parts of Somalia while the government's control has been limited to parts of Mogadishu and Baidoa city.AKM/DT
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Re: Greek Oil Tanker Crew Use Water Jets to Defend Against Boarding Somali Pirates
Somalia: Danish warship rescues cargo ship, Somali pirates
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Friday, January 2, 2009
Greek Oil Tanker Crew Use Water Jets to Defend Against Boarding Somali Pirates
Crewmen fired high pressure water jets Friday to fight off heavily armed Somali pirates trying to board a Greek oil tanker in the dangerous Gulf of Aden, officials said. It was the fourth pirate attack of the new year.
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