Real life experience

Real life experience
Customers talk about it. I will be posting reviews from real customers soon

Monday, October 5, 2009

Video Shiikh Shariif Qudbo uu Ka Jeediyay Minneapolis, Madaxweyne Shariif oo Qudbeeyay

Goor dhow ayaa Madaxweyne Sh. Shariif Sh. Axmed Ka Jeediay Qudbad aad u xiiso badan Magaalada Minneapolis ee gobolka Minisota ee Dalkaasi Mareykana.  Halkaan Ka Daawo Qudbadan Sh. Shariif Minneapolis oo dhan oo Video ah.  Hot News

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Afhayeenka Golaha Shuurada Xizbul Islaam Shiikh Ismaaciil xaaji cadow oo ku sugan magaalada Kismaayo ayaa ku eedeeyay Xarakatu Al-Shabab in ay dagaal ku soo qaadeen fariisimaha ay kaga sugan yihiin magaalada Kismaayo,

isagoo wax laga xumaado ku tilmaamay in dadka rayidka dhexdooda ay ku dagaalamaan. Waxaan cadeynaynaa in fariisimaha ciidamadeena Xizbiga joogaan in ay ku soo qaadeen walaalaha shabaabka dagaal saf ah" ayuu yiri Shiikh Ismaaciil Xaaji cadow oo intaa ku daray in iyagu ay is difaacayaan , mar uu goordhow la hadlay warbaahin Muqdisho.

Sii Aqri on - Sh. Ismaaciil Xaaji Cadoow oo Alshabaab Ku eedeeyay in ay iyagu Dagaalka Kismaayo Bilaabeen

Xoogag ka tirsan Al-Shabab oo ku hubeysan gaadiidka dagaalka oo soo buuxiyay agagaarka Baar xaraf & cabsi ka taagan Ceelasha Biyaha.

Iyadoo ay muuqato in ay seefaha iskula baxeen Xarakatu Al-Shabab iyo Xizbul Islam tan iyo markii ay isku qoomeen maamulkii Ksimaayo, isla markaana hadalo kulul isaga dhaafsaday warbaahinta ayaa waxaa taagan dareen ku dheehan cabsi dagaal oo laga yaabo inay saameyso deegaanada ay ku wada sugan yihiin.

WAR DEG DEG AH: Dhaqdhaqaaqyo ciidan oo iska soo horjeeda oo ka bilowday gobolka Sh/hoose.

War goordhow naga soo gaarey degmada Afgooye ayaa sheegaya in halkaasi ay ka socoto dhaqdhaqaaq ciidan kii ugu xoogganaa oo ay ka wadaan Xoogagga Xusbul Islam ee ka taliya degmada Afgooye iyo degaano hoos yimaada.

Maleeshiyaadka Puntland oo ka celiyay Koontaroolka W/Galkacyo Saraakiishii dowladda ee B/weyn ka soo baxday.

Maleeshiyaadka Puntland oo ka celiyay Koontaroolka W/Galkacyo Saraakiishii dowladda ee B/weyn ka soo baxday.

Maleeshiyaad ka tirsan Puntland ee ku sugan halka kala barta Waqooyiga iyo Koofurta magaalada Galkacyo ayaa shalay gelinkii dambe is hortaagay qaar ka tirsan Saraakiishii dowladda soomaaliye ee magaalada B/weyn xilli ay doonayeen inay u gudbaan deegaanada maamulka Puntland ka arimiyo.

Go To

Xoogag ka tirsan Al-Shabab oo ku hubeysan gaadiidka dagaalka oo soo buuxiyay agagaarka Baar xaraf & cabsi ka taagan Ceelasha Biyaha.

(01-10-2009)Iyadoo ay muuqato in ay seefaha iskula baxeen Xarakatu Al-Shabab iyo Xizbul Islam tan iyo markii ay isku qoomeen maamulkii Ksimaayo, isla markaana hadalo kulul isaga dhaafsaday warbaahinta ayaa waxaa taagan dareen ku dheehan cabsi dagaal oo laga yaabo inay saameyso deegaanada ay ku wada sugan yihiin.

WAR DEG DEG AH:Dagaal culus oo la isu adeegsanayo madaafiicda goobta oo ka qarxay Kismaayo & barakac ka bilowday magaalada.

(01-10-2009)Dagaalo culus ayaa mar kaliya waabarigii saaka ka qarxay dhowr jiho oo ka mid ah magaalada Kismaayo, kaasoo durba ku fiday xaafadaha ay ka kooban tahay, iyadoo dagaalka uu u dhaxeeyay Xarakatu Al-Shabab iyo Ururka Xizbul Islaam oo beryihii u dambeeyay isku hayay maamulka magaalada.

WAR DEG DEG AH:Dagaal culus oo la isu adeegsanayo madaafiicda goobta oo ka qarxay Kismaayo & barakac ka bilowday magaalada. Riix Linkiga oo Sii Aqri
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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What Happened To Youtube? Down For Maintenance? WHy?

Youtube is Down For Maintence? This is What happened.
Unheard of and Shocking News occured today where the world's leading video sharing web site went of air - Offline!  this link explains it well.

Here is what he had to say

If you visited Youtube on July 9th 2009, then you're in for a surprise! One of the Internet's leading web sites, youtube is shut down by Google(TM) for maintenance. This is shocking news by any standard to the hundreds of millions of visitors that go to daily to watch videos. Many of the videos on this web site are from youtube itself and it is possible that the videos might not work for you.

So, how does this effect the millions of web sites that embed youtube videos? After checking the videos on this site, it appears the videos will continue to work during the outage of the world's leading video sharing web site,

How will the outage of effect the Internet traffic?
Youtube is ranked 3rd on Alexa which means there are two web sites on the Internet that get more traffic that Youtube. So, where will all those visitors go on the Internet since Youtube is down for maintenance? The answer is, those same visitors will search for news on Youtube being down.

So, here is the scoop. Youtube announced the past few days via a message on web site telling its visitors that the web site will be down for maintenance for a few hours. So, those who noticed will know what happened, those who didn't will see the message on the web site right now that tells them they need to come back later because there will be no video watching happening at this time.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Adsense and Make Money Online programs Explained in Simplest Terms

The use of electronics in today's society has a tremendous significance as they play major part in our lives today more than any other in the past decades.  .Just consider refrigirators to alarm clocks, to digital devices such as cell phones, cameras or iPods,  They are available and affordable in many parts of the world.  The most popular electronic machine used today is the computer.  And among the endless activities one often does on a computer is earning extra income online.

Earning income using a computer just like the one you're using right now while you read this article.  In fact, you can earn hundreds of dollars every month by simply running a web site and updating it a few times a week.

The idea is to make a web site that has desirable content so people can refer to it for its uniquely available information.  Your website can be about your hobby, news, sports, films, celebrities, fast or exotic cars etc.  But whatever it is, you have to keep updating it so there is always fresh content which is one thing people love. By writing and publishing your own stuff, you are assuring your audience that they will never find the same content anywhere else.  You are then providing one of a kind valuable insight and information to a particular market.  This is normally referred to a niche content or niche topic.  As a result, you build expertise in what you present and get other websites to link to you.  The initial stages of earning income online begins.

When another publisher links to your web site, it means they value its content.  Since others find your content useful, search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN Live Search pick up on the links and treat them as points.  The more links to your web site's pages, the better ranking they'll give you.  As a result, those who search for information that is available on your web site are sent to you by the search engines.  This translates to money for you.

There are advertisers, small businesses and large companies that are willing to pay you as the publisher to present their banners, multimedia advertisements and textual links to your visitors.  Of course, the more visitors you get, the more likely you are to earn money on-line from your website.

It is important to learn the different types of advertisements you can include on your website so you earn the most income from them.  For instance, if you deal with an advertiser who wants you to display a banner that is linked to their business website, they may agree to pay you a definite amount of dollars per month.  How much they want to pay you depends on how popular your website is.  If you get a hundred or so visitors per day, you can expect very little from such type of a deal.  However, you run a high traffic website, chances are, you can charge more than hundred dollars per month per banner.  That is why it is difficult to get advertisement space on high ranked websites.

When you start fresh, like most people, you begin with a few visitors per day.  In that case, it is better to forget about carrying banners for individual businesses and utilize other methods of making money from your website.  The most common and widely used programs are called pay-per-click.  The publisher (you) is paid when a visitor responds to (click on an ad link) advertisement on your web page.  To get the advertisements to show up on your web pages, you must add small chunk of code given to you by the advertisement programs.  Usually this is a few lines of text which you can copy and paste from your account with your choice of advertisement provider.

One popular program that most low traffic web publishers make use of is the Google Adsense program.  The Adsense program is a very simple way of making money -some people argue it is the simplest of all methods in terms of implementation and feasibility.  However, Just like any other program, the amount of income you can earn through adsense is directly proportial to the number of visitors you get.  The only difference is that any publisher can monetize his or her website with Google Adsense as long as they abide by its rules - Adsense has a set of rules and guidelines to prevent fraud.

Adsense, as the name implies, uses a technology that reads your website's content and then displays advertisement that is suited for your website.  If your content is about flowers, then Adsense displays ads about flower shops and on-line businesses selling flowers.  If you talk about technology then it shows those about computer stores, software etc.  This is what makes Adsense so successful and the perfect way to start earning income on your website.  The fact that the advertisements served to your visitors are similar to the content on your website invites their interest.  If someone is reading about a Cristiano Ronaldon's Goal in the recent European Champions' League match against FC Porto, then that person is likely to respond to an advertisement of a company selling the Player's Jerseys.  

Although Adsense and other Pay-Per-Click advertising methods are by far the most commonly used programs, making money online has other means.  Once you are no longer learning and instead are monetizing your website, you can move on to affiliate marketing.  This type of work involves selling products for other businesses and getting paid a commission.  Those who know real marketing understand this technique much better.  In an analogy, think of those telemarketers that bother you at home by calling your phone only to tell you they're selling kitchen knives or news paper subscriptions.  Except, doing online marketing, a.k.a, affiliate marketing is much less intrusive and more profitable.  

Since so many experts on how to earn money via affiliate programs discussed it so well online, I will not dwell on this one myself.   However, the general theory is that you sign up for an affiliate account with a onnline business website.  They provide you with your own affiliate link, then you use the link to sell their products.  Because you inviting the customers with your own affiliate link, the purchases they make count as your leads and a commission is paid to you on every sale generated by your website.

Lately I have been so busy on publishing news articles and videos that I forget to write about technology.  Actually, part of the reason I neglected the Technology publications can be attributed to my visitor's hunger for never ending stream of up to the minute news.  So, to keep them happy, I consistently end up feeding them with fresh uniquely authentic class of news briefs that mainly are sourced by other web sites.

Technology is a big part of our web site.  From time to time, I write about the current issues and advancements in the computer field.  I also borrow works from others that concentrate on how computers make our lives easier, and perhaps better in some ways.  

Every individual can attain peace of mind when he or she feels they have achieved something considerable, no matter how small or large. Here is my peace of mind.  Writing this article.  And to thing of it, I am using a computer to do so.  Although I can't imagine doing this same act with a type-writer, those of us old enough to have made use of such a device probably felt special when a particular publication, print, or book got finished.  Nevertheless, the sense of achievement obtained using an electronic device can thrill anyone.

To wrap up, anyone can start earning money with a simple website by simply using pay-per-click advertising, affiliate marketing, or carrying banners for interested business owners.  The easiest out of these methods is by far the most popular and that is Google Adsense.

Coming Soon.

How to build a website using Blogger
How To Add Google Adsense to Blogger Website
How Sign Up for Google Adsense and other Affiliate Programs
How To Sell Products on

Monday, March 30, 2009

Sidoo looga qaataa Masawir website-yada Right Click aan ogoleyn ama Falaashka isticmaala?

Sidoo looga qaataa Masawir website-yada Right Click aan ogoleyn ama Falaashka isticmaala?

Su'aashan waa mid is weydiin wacan.  Waxaana rabaa inaan si fudud u sharaxo.  Si su'aasha jawaabteeda u fududaato, waxaan u kala bixinayaa labadan.

1.  Sideebaa loo Masawirtaa Falaashka ka muuqda web site?
2.  Sideebaa loo keydsadaa sawir dhex yaal website right click ogoleyn

Mararka qaar waxaan arkaa website laga heli karo sawirro qurxoon, ama murti leh oo keydis mudan.  Hase yeeshee, qofkii soo saaray kaas waa diidan yahay in lala wadaago oo waxa xanibay keydinta sawirradaas.  Si uu kaaga joojiyo keydista, waxuu dhex geliyey Falaash feylkii kadibna soo bandhigay.

Maadaama feylka sawirku dhex yaal yahay Falaash, ma awoodid inaad sawirkaas dejisato (ama download, ama right click-copy image).  Balse isticmaal prt scr batoonka ah kuna yaal Keyboardka.  

1. Gaar website ka, fur sawirka oo soo saar screenka
2. Adigoo fiirinaya masawirka, Riix PTR SCR (Print Screen) 
3. Fur Start > Program Files > Accessories > Paint
4. Markuu Paint furmo, Dooro Edit > Paste

Durbo waxaad arkee sawir laga qaaday muraayadda (monitor)ka .

5. Riix Selection Tool (waa batoon square u eg oo falaarta afkeeda midigta ka yaal)
6. Kor mare sawirka adigoo santuuq ku hareereynaya (select the picture area)
7. Riix Edit > Copy
8  Riix File > New - Kadib riix No 

Markuu feyl cusub Paint ka furmo waa inaad sawirka dhex gelisaa ka dibna save (keydin) ku sameysaa

9. Fur Edit > Paste
10. Riix File > Save

Kadibna feylka ku xaree meel aad hadhoow ku arki karto haddii aad rabto inaad dib u furato.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Somali migrants die off Yemen

Dozens of illegal Somali immigrants have drowned after their vessels capsized near the southern coast of Yemen due to bad weather. 

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Senior External Relations Officer, Leila Nassif said Sunday that as many as 200 people were aboard two boats when large waves capsized their vessels off Yemen. 

The bodies of the ill-starred immigrants were washed ashore. 

Dire economic conditions and violence in Somalia prompts many to escape from the conflict-plagued Horn of Africa state and cross to Yemen in hope of better living conditions. More than 4,500 migrants managed to reach poverty-stricken Yemen in 2008. 

Aid agencies say it is not just Somali refugees who are risking the crossing but also Ethiopians trying to raise themselves from poverty by seeking work and a better life in the Middle East, or Europe. 

Smugglers are known to cram dozens of men, women and children onto small boats and often beat and abuse the migrants during the journey, which can take up to three days. In a bid to avoid Yemeni coast guards, the smugglers often dump their passengers far from shore and force them to swim the rest of the way. 

The Gulf of Aden is not the only dangerous sea crossing for migrants. Hundreds of Africans die every year trying to make the journey across the Mediterranean to Spain, Italy and Greece. 

There are many reports of boat people dying at sea off Spain, usually because overcrowded vessels capsize or break apart, and survivors often throw bodies of fellow travelers overboard when they die of exposure or starvation. 


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Re: Alshabab Cannot Participate in Somali Peace Talks Says Ethiopia

Xoogaga MMIS garabka Dr.Cumar Iimaan ayaa Galabta weerar xoogan oo ka fool ka fool ah ku kala qaaday Ciidamada DKMG ah ee Fariisimaha ku kala leh Xeradii hore ee Asluubta iyo Sarkuusta Duleedka Mgaalada Muqdisho.

Xiriir aanu la sameynay Dr.Xasan Mahdi oo ka mid ah Mas'uuliyiinta ugu sar-sareysa MMIS garabka Dr. Cumar Iimaan ayaa sheegay in Dagaal socday wax ka badan Hal saac ay ku ekeeyeen labadaasi fariisin isla markaana ay la wareegeen gacan ku haynta fariisinka Sarkuusta.

Mar aanu weydiinay Khasaaraha dhinacooda soo gaaray ayaa waxa uu sheegay in uu Dagaalkaasi kaga geeriyooday Hal wiil mid kalana uu ka dhaawacmay, wuxuuna sheegay in aysan si dhab ah u sheegi Karin khasaaraha rasmiga ah ee soo gaaray dhinaca DKMG ah.

Waa Dagaalkii ugu horeeyay oo ka fool ka fool ah oo ay Xoogaga MMIS Garabka Dr. Cumar Iimaan ku qaadeen Xeradii hore ee Asluubta tan iyo markii ay Ciidamada Gumeysiga Itoobiya halkaasi ka guureen.

Sidoo kale Dagaalkan ayaa ku soo beegmaya xili ay Maanta Dagaalo xoogan ka kala dhaceen, Degmada Yaaqshiid, iyo Dharkaynleey.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Warlords, Self-deception, And The Ruin of The Somali Nation

Somali Musings - Let us not forget that the Ethiopian army has been active in the Somali region of Gedo since 1996, when this army was engaged in operations then being directed against the now defunct Al-Itihad Al-Islamiya organisation. We should not be surprised by the news, currently reaching us from the Gedo region, that the infamous warlord-cum-parliamentarian Col. Barre Hirale has been re-armed by the Ethiopian state and is determined to retake the Somali port city of Kismayu. Barre Hirale's 
forces—backed up by the Ethiopian army—recently took possession of Burdhubo and Balad Xawo towns in the Gedo region.

Can anyone, in their right mind, really believe that the Ethiopian army can serve the best interests of the Somali people? How often must certain sections of the Somali community attempt to deceive themselves in the interests of personal greed? By all the established laws of humanity, and in all of the annals of human history treason has been the most heinous of crimes. We recently witnessed the resignation of the abominable Somali traitor Cabdullahi Yusuf Axmed as President of the Somali TFG, now we see others carrying on from where the hopelessly misguided octogenarian had left off. Surely now is the time to find a new way ahead for the Somali nation?

The Somali people simply cannot afford to remain in their current unfortunate situation. The Somali people have become nothing more than the captives of various warlords, with vicious and disgraceful reputations as men who have betrayed their own compatriots. The Somali people must learn to speak the truth to those in power, no matter how fearful their reputation. The time has come to seek the truth, and in doing so to name the various traitors who currently masquerade as Somali politicians. It is time to call this moribund class of parasitic cretins what they really are. They are not policy makers or law makers; they are not visionaries or peacemakers.

They are all treacherous villains who bleed the Somali nation of its vitality. These reckless Somali warlords burn the spirit of the Somali nation by sacrificing the youth of our nation for their own selfish ends. How many more young men's lives can we afford to lose needlessly in the endless wars for territory between glorified Somali gangsters who claim to be legitimate defenders of certain communities? The flawed ideas that underpin the phenomenon of Somali warlordism cannot be allowed to live on. If we, the honourable people of Somalia, continue to tolerate the existence of such foul and treacherous practices, then our ancient nation shall be dismembered by our enemies.

Surely if the Ethiopian army, for so long now involved in the killings of thousands upon thousands of innocent Somali civilians, is active inside the Somali national territory specifically because it aims to dismember the Somali nation? Can we really afford to lose more of the Somali national territory to an ancient enemy of the Somali people? It is people like Colonel Barre Aden Shire "Hirale" who facilitate the dismemberment of the Somali national territory. It is precisely such people who permit the Ethiopian state to interfere in Somali national affairs. We can do well without such interference and, in the long run, the Ethiopian authorities shall inevitably have to deal with the full consequences of their actions.

For now, let us demonstrate our refusal to submit to the will of the Ethiopian state. The Somali people are a people of faith, and as such, we cannot allow the most deplorable members of the Somali community to politically hold the rest of us hostage. We must make a stand, before it becomes too late. We, of the Somali nation, must all learn to recognise that our best interests are never served by the Ethiopian army or any other invading military force. Let us all, in the name of the Almighty, renounce the kind of self-deception that has brought us to our current and terrible political plight. The Somali people deserve so much more than the degenerate warlords who are responsible for the political ruin of our nation.

Reference: Original Article by Somali Musings

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Alshabab Cannot Participate in Somali Peace Talks Says Ethiopia

Ethiopia says it will not allow Somalia's al-Shabaab, the military wing of Islamic Courts Union, to take part in any peace negotiations. 

The Ethiopian foreign ministry said in a statement on Friday that al-Shabaab, 'with a declared objective of spreading extremism to the entire region', can not be considered a reliable partner in Somalia's peace talks. 

The statement comes in response to a report published by International Crisis Group (ICG), which said the inclusion of al-Shabaab in the Somali peace process would be useful following the Ethiopian troops' withdrawal from the war-torn country. 

Ethiopian trucks packed with soldiers and light and heavy equipment were seen leaving Mogadishu on Friday, the first signs of the expected withdrawal. Somali officials have said the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops will be done in stages. 

ICU did not take part in Djibouti peace talks between the Somali government and the opposition group, Alliance for Re-liberation of Somalia, which led to setting a time-table for the Ethiopian forces' pull-out. 

Ethiopian troops were deployed to Somalia in 2006 to help the transitional federal government oust al-Shabaab. However, their presence has been deeply unpopular with the Somali people. 

"The decision of the US government to include al-Shabaab in the list of terrorist organizations is what emboldened extremists into vowing to establish a Taliban like Islamic Caliphate in the entire region," the statement added. 

The resignation of top Somali government officials, including President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, has brought the already violent-ridden country to utter chaos. 

ICU still holds sway over most parts of Somalia while the government's control has been limited to parts of Mogadishu and Baidoa city. 


On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 9:17 PM, AG <> wrote:

Ethiopia says it will not allow Somalia's al-Shabaab, the military wing of Islamic Courts Union, to take part in any peace negotiations. 

The Ethiopian foreign ministry said in a statement on Friday that al-Shabaab, 'with a declared objective of spreading extremism to the entire region', can not be considered a reliable partner in Somalia's peace talks. 

The statement comes in response to a report published by International Crisis Group (ICG), which said the inclusion of al-Shabaab in the Somali peace process would be useful following the Ethiopian troops' withdrawal from the war-torn country. 

Ethiopian trucks packed with soldiers and light and heavy equipment were seen leaving Mogadishu on Friday, the first signs of the expected withdrawal. Somali officials have said the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops will be done in stages. 

ICU did not take part in Djibouti peace talks between the Somali government and the opposition group, Alliance for Re-liberation of Somalia, which led to setting a time-table for the Ethiopian forces' pull-out. 

Ethiopian troops were deployed to Somalia in 2006 to help the transitional federal government oust al-Shabaab. However, their presence has been deeply unpopular with the Somali people. 

"The decision of the US government to include al-Shabaab in the list of terrorist organizations is what emboldened extremists into vowing to establish a Taliban like Islamic Caliphate in the entire region," the statement added. 

The resignation of top Somali government officials, including President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, has brought the already violent-ridden country to utter chaos. 

ICU still holds sway over most parts of Somalia while the government's control has been limited to parts of Mogadishu and Baidoa city. 


Go To

Re: Greek Oil Tanker Crew Use Water Jets to Defend Against Boarding Somali Pirates

Ethiopia says it will not allow Somalia's al-Shabaab, the military wing of Islamic Courts Union, to take part in any peace negotiations. 

The Ethiopian foreign ministry said in a statement on Friday that al-Shabaab, 'with a declared objective of spreading extremism to the entire region', can not be considered a reliable partner in Somalia's peace talks. 

The statement comes in response to a report published by International Crisis Group (ICG), which said the inclusion of al-Shabaab in the Somali peace process would be useful following the Ethiopian troops' withdrawal from the war-torn country. 

Ethiopian trucks packed with soldiers and light and heavy equipment were seen leaving Mogadishu on Friday, the first signs of the expected withdrawal. Somali officials have said the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops will be done in stages. 

ICU did not take part in Djibouti peace talks between the Somali government and the opposition group, Alliance for Re-liberation of Somalia, which led to setting a time-table for the Ethiopian forces' pull-out. 

Ethiopian troops were deployed to Somalia in 2006 to help the transitional federal government oust al-Shabaab. However, their presence has been deeply unpopular with the Somali people. 

"The decision of the US government to include al-Shabaab in the list of terrorist organizations is what emboldened extremists into vowing to establish a Taliban like Islamic Caliphate in the entire region," the statement added. 

The resignation of top Somali government officials, including President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, has brought the already violent-ridden country to utter chaos. 

ICU still holds sway over most parts of Somalia while the government's control has been limited to parts of Mogadishu and Baidoa city. 


Somalia: Danish warship rescues cargo ship, Somali pirates

Danish warship rescues cargo ship, pirates 
Sat, 03 Jan 2009 14:21:14 GMT 

Denmark's Absalon warship
A Danish warship has rescued a Dutch cargo ship in the Gulf of Aden, it also rescued five pirates after they were forced into the water. 

Netherlands Antilles-registered cargo ship sent the Absalon warship a call for help noting that it was being attacked by five pirates in a speedboat Friday morning. 

"Absalon immediately sent an armed helicopter to the area, and the helicopter fired warning shots at the pirates to get them to stop the attack," the navy said in a statement. 

"The Dutch trade ship fired emergency flares at the pirate ship, which caught fire. The pirates jumped into the water and were rescued by Absalon crew members," it added. 

The Danish warship then sank the burning pirate vessel to ensure that it does not pose a threat to civilian shipping activities in the area. 

The rescued pirates will remain onboard the Absalon until the navy decides what to do with them, the statement said. 

Denmark took command last September of the international Task Force 150, which is hunting down Somali pirates and arms smugglers in the northern Indian Ocean. 

More than 100 attacks occurred in the pirate-infested waters off the coast of Somalia in 2008 alone. 


Friday, January 2, 2009

Greek Oil Tanker Crew Use Water Jets to Defend Against Boarding Somali Pirates

Somali Pirates: Crew Use Water Jets to Defend Greek Oil Tanker

Crewmen fired high pressure water jets Friday to fight off heavily armed Somali pirates trying to board a Greek oil tanker in the dangerous Gulf of Aden, officials said. It was the fourth pirate attack of the new year.

Armed with guns and rocket-propelled grenades, pirates in three speedboats twice tried to board the Greek-flagged Kriti Episkopi but were driven away when the crew turned fire hoses on them and EU aircraft scrambled from a nearby European Union naval flotilla to help, shipping company and Greek government officials said.


BBC: EU force 'foils Somali Pirates'

The EU anti-piracy task force is the bloc's first such naval operation
EU naval forces have forced back pirates raiding a Greek oil tanker off Somalia, the Greek government says.

Pirates in speedboats abandoned efforts to board the tanker when a frigate, jet fighter and helicopter approached, the Greek merchant marine ministry reports.
Earlier France's navy said one of its ships had seized two suspected pirate boats and was holding eight suspects.

The International Maritime Bureau says increased naval patrols have sharply reduced the number of pirate attacks.

The Greek-flagged Kriti Episkopi had been en route to Iran when it came under attack twice by pirates, officials say.

The captain alerted the Greek ministry, which in turn contacted the headquarters of the EU naval mission operating in the area.
"There were two failed attempts to board and the pirates fled after the crisis response group was activated with a fighter aircraft, a helicopter and a frigate sent to the area," a marine ministry official said.

Only two ships were captured by pirates last month, according to the International Maritime Bureau.

On Thursday the French navy said it had captured bandits trying to seize a Panamanian-registered cargo ship.

And a Malaysian military helicopter saved an Indian oil tanker from attack by gunmen.
But on the same day pirates still managed to hijack a cargo vessel with 28 Egyptian crew members on board.

Somali pirates still hold about 15 ships with more than 200 crew members.
There were more than 100 pirate attacks in 2008 in the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean, in what is one of the world's busiest shipping lanes.

The EU anti-piracy task force set up last month is the first such naval operation of its kind. India, Iran, the US and China are among other nations with naval forces off Somalia.